Sunday, July 25, 2010

CLI - Interregnum


Title speaks for itself. As of now I'm in some sort of limbo.

There's a sort of lull in my projects (no kidding, there's still plenty to go), as well as in my tutorials and other stuff. This whole weekend is a lull.

The YOG break is about 2 weeks away; believe me, it's more jam-packed than I would be comfortable with, given what will be coming up following all the festivities. That's right—the fun before the maelstrom.

Exams: basically, the Big One. Almost ALL my modules will be represented then, and they will ALL account for 50% of my overall module grades. F-I-F-I-T-Y. If I am a no-show, I might as well just fail and drop out. It's terrible.

To make matters worse, the two modules I'm weak in now are representatives: FMI and MA1. Especially MA1. I feel shaky even just typing the very letters out. That tingly feeling.

So yes, interregnum indeed. Now I have to get over it, finish my RWPS report and presentation, conclude my MA1 country report, finish with Love Relations presentation, and so forth, before I get into revision proper. And I got a feeling; it's going to be one hell of a fight. As it nears, it even exudes a psychological aura just by thinking about it. Terrible, just terrible.

Like how the English Interregnum was England's disastrous attempt at republicanism, any more of that on my part will spell my academic doom. End of story.

Sad, isn't it? To clear one hurdle, only to find a gazillion more awaiting you, each higher than the last? The thought follows me, like a shadow.

So yeah, enough ranting, more revising! I must have that old O level fighting spirit!

Till then!~ =)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

CL – Happiest 150!


Yeah, 150. Not a big milestone (should it be considered one? Guess not.), but nevertheless I shall ramble on.

I dug back through my blogging record and yeah, lots of changes. Not just in what I write, but how I write. My 1st post, on August 30th 2008, was about Os and how I'd miss the choir and Dunman Sec in general. Trying a blog for the 1st time, of course I poked around my friends' blogs for some ideas, before making that 1st nervous step into the blogosphere.

Here's an excerpt from that post, will keep it short, just to show how much has changed:

a chapter reborn...

looking back at my secondary school life, i am shocked at how fast time has flown, and how much things have changed...and now, with the year drawing to a close, i realise how precious these memories are, and never will i forsake them. haiz, why does it have to end so freaking soooooo-n?!

I see the difference. Do you?

It's been through a lot. I've covered it all: O levels, dedications, poems, Obama, my work stint at Marks & Spencer, results, posting, SP, Dunman, choir, friends, exams, F1...the list goes on.

As I grow, my styles have changed. Alot has changed. I only wish that my burning desire to succeed in academia remains. That is all.

Ere 2 years have come and nearly gone,
Times with frustrations; times with which I'm fond.
Apart from things, events that have come to pass
Fun with the choir, and fun with my class;
I hope the most, and that it will not fail
My grades and results, they shall prevail.

Oh and not forgetting
My friends, teachers, all of them
They've all certainly made
My life anything but a sham.


Of course, all my posts can still be accessed...still. HAHA.

Till then!~

Monday, July 12, 2010

CXLIX – Yet more music.


There can never be enough good music, good pieces lying 'round in the internet. But perhaps I'd snatch a few and bring it here.

Give yourself a lifetime, and you'd never finish going through the whole lot. That's the general idea, at least.

And who says Latin is a dead language? Doesn't Latin exist in one of the most recognisable pieces of our time?

Behold the Man who is a bean! (It's the first piece playing on the Mixpod.)

Ecce Homo, qui est faba;
Ecce Homo, qui est faba!

Vale Homo, qui est faba;
Qui est faba; qui est faba!
Vale Homo, qui est faba!
Vale Homo, qui est faba!

Qui est faba.

Translated directly:

Behold, the Man who is a bean;
Behold, the Man who is a bean!

Farewell, Man who is a bean;
Who is a bean; who is a bean!
Farewell, Man who is a bean!
Farewell, Man who is a bean!

Who is a bean.

Anyone who has watched Mr Bean would know this instinctively. =)

Another one is an accompaniment to Vivaldi's Spring—Winter. You'd be caught in the dark if you have not heard it before, it's one of the most recognised pieces around. And it's one hell of a great piece, which is perhaps why it has survived for 295 years! Top that, Gaga! (Though it's absolutely unfair to compare it this way haha. :/)

When I feel hard-pressed, that's where I fall into. Its soothing notes and lyrics. It helps me through my day, like how others would depend on something else....yeah. Especially now, with projects and tutorials piling like an Everest everywhere I go. -.-

So I can sleep soundly now. Till the next day dawns, with the air filled with yawns, I shall sleep soundly.

Till then!~

Monday, July 5, 2010

CXLVIII – Results!


My blog is dying; it needs reviving. :/

So anyways, recall that rant about getting below GPA 3 and stuff like that those months ago? Then recall the resolutions I created for myself after that episode of ranting? All those As I need to claw my way back up?

The fruits of my labour are showing, better than expected! J

I took 4 papers; 3 have been returned. So far, it's 2As, 1C (CPF, of all topics zzz.), so it's pretty much fair game. So I can smile and say I'm well on my way! :D

A reality check, though: so far things have been going my way, but not with the likes of Macroecons, Report Writing or the like. Lecturers talk of how difficult the mid-years are going to be (50 %!!!), how tedious, how this, how that. Scary. Also, it's only been a term, so I'm only 1/8 the way through, which in perspective kinda sucks.

So yes, I can celebrate a little and stuff, but then I'll realise it's back to the grind, and the cycle repeats. EIGHT consecutive times, a real bugger.

This year isn't looking bad at all.

Till then!~